Our Mission

Our mission is to increase socioeconomic mobility for Opportunity Youth by building pathways to thriving careers.

Who We Are

The Collective Blueprint strives to eliminate barriers to and create new avenues toward economic self-sufficiency for young adults. We are a nonprofit organization, and we work with schools, employers and community stakeholders to establish career pathways and ensure equitable access to support, resources, and opportunities that allow young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 to thrive.

Our Vision

All young adults have the power to live their best lives and the tools to make that a reality.

Our Core Values


Our work is rooted in strong relationships built on genuine feeling and mutual accountability.  Our holistic approach includes personal and emotional support so that young adults can confidently pursue their goals.   


We believe that economic systems and policies should be designed to produce widespread, sustainable self-sufficiency for a stronger, more stable community.  We aim to build new systems that eliminate economic disparities and create viable pathways to prosperity for everyone.


We believe that sustainable economic growth depends on both expanding channels toward existing career opportunities and the continual creation of new ones.  We connect young adults with the means to benefit from these opportunities and support their right to do so.


Our strategy focuses on ensuring that young adults have a variety of life and career options to pursue. We introduce young people to a range of possibilities and help them chart their own course for their lives.